KEX Hotel Tour & Happy Hour

By PSU Alumni Association (other events)

Wednesday, February 26 2020 5:30 PM 7:30 PM PDT

Please join the PSU Center of Real Estate Alumni Group for a tour of the KEX Hotel. Originating in Iceland, KEX is a design-focused social hotel where people from around the world can gather to eat great food, hear music, and be inspired. The historic Vivian Apartments were converted in 2018 to be KEX's first US location that includes 29 shared and private rooms, as well as a restaurant, bar and event space.
Click HERE to read more about this project.

The tour will be led by Jessica Silverman of ChefstableMark Desbrow (our very own Center of Real Estate Certificate Alumnus) of Green Light Development, and Evan Charpentier of R&H Construction, followed by a networking reception at Dottir, located in the hotel. Join us to learn more about the inspiration for the hotel, its design, and the construction challenges and successes.

Tour & Networking Happy Hour
February 26th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Starting at "Gym and Tonic" at the KEX Hotel
100 NE MLK Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97232
$15 (includes post tour refreshments)

Due to limited space, registration will close once the event is full at a group of 30 alumni.

Mailing Address

Office of Alumni Relations PO BOX 1326 Portland, OR 97207